Saturday, 19 August 2017

Food and Housing

Wednesday 4 October 1972

Last evening one or two things were explained to me about the food.  The gist of the letter I was given by the Ministry of Education was that the governor personally will pay me out of the provincial funds which he controls, rather than by the local education office.  He is also to arrange a house.  While he is not here, I am to receive 300 riyals worth of food from the palace kitchen and 100 riyals of pocket money, or I can have some or all of the 300 riyals and buy my own food at a restaurant or cook it myself.  I've told themn I would like to cook my own breakfast and dinner and have the palace lunch, which is what the German-trained doctor does.

As for housing, the room in the palace is a temporary arrangement.  However, there are housing problems in Hajjah, and it is envisaged that I shall stay here some time, although they are aware that a house would be preferable.  The other teachers are being lodged at the education office (which is actually another formerly royal building) until their house or houses are ready. 

The German-trained doctor is really helpful and helps by translating between German and Arabic for me when thinkgs get a bit too complicated.  Tomorrow he will take me to the market to show me the best shops for buying food from.  The other teachers are helpful, but they are as new here as I am and don't really know their way around.  The director of education, Abdullah Ali Anash, is very helpful too.
the fruit market in Hajjah

Last thing last night was that when I went back to my room the paraffin pressure lamp which the palace man had lit for me had gone out.  I made  bit of a hash of trying to re-light it and ended up breaking the mantle.  The lamp is called an "itreek" which is from "electric" (though it isn't).  A primus stove is called a "baramoos", which is the closest they can get.

This morning I went to the education office and had a look at the English teaching books they are using.  They are pretty dire - they are from Iraq, and the very first lesson of the first book has words like "knife", which I hope I don't have to teach as "kanife".  Then we went to have tea at the local restaurant which is called the "boofiya". 
The boofiya is in the middle of this picture.

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